

Spelling Bee this Friday, 7PM


Spelling Bee this Friday, 7PM 〰️

Clarke PTO is excited to invite students to participate in our Inaugural Spelling Bee. This is a qualifying event for the 100th Annual Scripps National Spelling Bee!

The event is taking place on January 10, 2025 at Clarke Middle School, at 7:00 pm in the Clarke Cafeteria. THERE’S STILL SPACE TO REGISTER. Open to 6th-8th Graders. Registration is free for all Clarke Students.

Prizes for top students from each grade! Snacks at the event. The top winner from our Spelling Bee has an opportunity to advance to the next level.


Clarke Hockey Night with the UMass Lowell River Hawks, Sat Feb 1, 6PM


A Wonderful Book Fair 

What a fantastic week of book browsing, shopping, and conversation for students, staff, and parent volunteers! Thanks to Ms. Kelly and Ms. Guntakatta for sharing the library space and for helping with all the logistics.

Enormous props to Karen Roses, Colette Powell, and Nancy Stefansson for seamlessly coordinating this event during a busy time of year. Leah Boutelle created the beautiful posters you’ve seen in the newsletters and around school - love them! And, thank you to all the parent volunteers including Adriana Cocoza, Chad Fallon, Fengjuan Xuan, Ying Cui, Irene Heller, Jane Reynolds, Jenna McCracken, Jill Ward, Judy Huynh, Leah Boutelle, Meg Tabela, Melissa Lee, Nora Wasserman, Sophie Portal, Susie Hammond, Wei Zhang, and Sharon Huang for helping out with sales. We couldn’t have done this without you! Lastly, thanks to the administration for helping to support communication about the Book Fair and providing the opportunity for this event to take place during school hours. 

We would like to thank all the families and students who came out for our author night. Alex Thayer, our visiting author, was simply amazed with the breadth of questions and comments from the kids. There were clearly some aspiring writers in the audience. Alex read an excerpt from her book and captured the hearts of all the readers in attendance. It was a magical night.

The Book Fair closed on Friday, but if you ordered a book that was not in stock, it will be arriving by next week. Thank you, families, for supporting the PTO Book Fair!

PTO Presidents: Emily Sayre, Sarah Carter, and Myha Danner

Thank you PTO Social Chairs and Clarke SGA for hosting two spectacular events on Friday, Nov 8th. Can’t wait for the spring!

6th and 7th Grade Social is on Friday, May 16th

8th Grade Social is on Friday, June 6th


upcoming events

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This is the PTO Calendar, listing PTO and community events of interest. Clarke’s calendar also contains information on the school schedule and days off. To subscribe to the Clarke Middle School calendar, open this link and select Subscribe.

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