Household Composting Fundraiser

Looking for a way to recycle more of your waste AND help out your student's school? Mention “Clarke PTO” in the referral section when you sign up for curbside pick-up from Black Earth Compost ( – and the Clarke PTO will receive a $10 donation! 

You can choose a monthly program for $9.99 or an annual program for $99, that’s only $8 per month! To show support for composting, the Town of Lexington is providing a free 13 gallon wheeled locking-lid bin to those who sign up for any compost pickup service (while supplies last). Black Earth’s commercial composting facility takes many things that aren’t appropriate for a backyard compost bin (meat, bones, dairy, cooked foods, pizza boxes, and certain types of compostable "plastics”). 

Trash in Lexington is incinerated, causing air pollution and toxic byproducts. Composting recycles nutrients back to the soil for use by local farmers and gardeners, and ultimately into the produce you eat. And customers get a bag of free compost in the spring! Help the environment and Clarke today!


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