Korean Organization of Lexington (KOLex) – Building relationships and strengthening the community

The Korean Organization of Lexington, KOLex, is created as a resource for Korean residents and for the town of Lexington. As a group we will work to support each other and work together with local officials and town members to help create a town that can further benefit from its local Korean residents.

코렉스는 렉싱턴타운과 이곳에 거주하는 한국인을 위한 도움처로 생성되었습니다.
우리는 렉싱턴에 거주하는 한국인모임으로서 서로 돕고 협력하며 타운공무원 및 주민들과 함께 더나은 렉싱턴을 만들어가겠습니다.
Please use the link below to join our email group.
아래의 링크를 사용하여 우리의 이메일 그룹에 가입하세요.

Susie Lee-Snell – susieleesnell@gmail.com & April Daciuk – aprildaciuk@gmail.com

Please see below for the liaison at each school:
Bowman Elementary School – Eun Chung, choon1988@gmail.com
Bridge Elementary School – Kristine Park, min1683@gmail.com
Estabrook Elementary School – MinJung Kim, jung3483@gmail.com & Youn gsun Kim, marykim0915@gmail.com
Fiske Elementary School – BoKyung Shin, prettybbo@gmail.com
Harrington Elementary School – Susie Lee-Snell,                 susieleesnell@gmail.com
Hastings Elementary School – JungSoon Park, jungsoon.park@gmail.com
Clarke Middle School – Seon Lee, seonhyungju@yahoo.com
Diamond Middle School – April Daciuk, aprildaciuk@gmail.com
Lexington High School – SongYi Kim, kizschool@gmail.com