April IndieFlix Social Impact Mini Film Festival

Both film screenings are free and co-sponsored by the LHS PTO, Clarke PTO, and Diamond PTA

ANGST (Flyer)
Wednesday, April 3, 7-9 pm in the Lexington High School Auditorium

Anxiety Disorders are Real, Common and Treatable - a documentary followed up with a discussion led by Clinician, Jon Mattleman and young adult speaker from Minding Your Mind.

ANGST is a 56-minute film that explores anxiety, its causes, its effects, and what we can do about it. The filmmakers’ goal is to have a global conversation and raise awareness around anxiety. ANGST features candid interviews with children and young adults (including Olympic athlete Michael Phelps) who have suffered from anxiety. It also includes includes discussions with mental health experts about the causes of anxiety and its sociological effects. The film will be followed by a panel discussion with experts from Minding Your Mind.  

Suitable for adults and children age 12+.

Wednesday, April 10, 7-9 pm in the Lexington High School Auditorium

A documentary about the effect of social media on our lives -  followed up with a discussion led by LPS Enforcement Officer Kristina Hankins and LPS Prevention Specialist and LICSW, Kristie Demirev.

LIKE is a film that explores the impact of social media on our lives. Technology is a tool. It is here to stay, and social platforms are a place to connect, share, and care. But what’s really happening? Are we addicted? How do we stop? Where do we start? What do we need to know? By understanding the effects of technology and social media on the brain, on our lives, and on our civilization, we can learn how to navigate it more safely together.  The goal for this film is to inspire people of all ages, especially kids and teens, to self-regulate. The film will be followed by a panel discussion with LHS staff and local experts.

Suitable for adults and children age 12+.