Many thanks to LPS Prevention Specialist Kristie Demirev for her highly informative presentation about trends in youth substance use on October 22!
For anyone who missed the presentation, Kristie's slides and some related materials, including a link to data from the 2019 Youth Risk Behavior Survey and information about another upcoming forum on substance use, are available below.
Slides from Kristie Demirev's 10-22-19 forum on youth substance use
2019 Youth Risk Behavior Survey Executive Summary (on pp. 8-25 of the linked document)
Presentation of the 2019 Youth Risk Behavior Survey Executive Summary to the Lexington School Committee (starting at 1:53:40)
Video of last year's 10/17/18 vaping presentation by Dr. Nicholas Chadi
All Clarke, Diamond and LHS parents and guardians are invited to join Lexington Public Schools Prevention Specialist Kristie Demirev, LICSW for a PTO-sponsored forum. Parents will have the opportunity to hear about current trends in youth substance use (including vaping, marijuana, and alcohol), review recent YRBS data, understand the science behind the developing brain and the impact of substances, as well as learn strategies to talk to their children. "Hidden in Plain Sight" display of a mock teen bedroom will also be set up for parents to walk through to help them understand common household items that could be an indication of substance use in their teen. This is an interactive session and there will be time for Q&A.
For questions about this event, please contact