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Back to School Picnic

  • Clarke Middle School 17 Stedman Rd Lexington, MA USA (map)

Please join us for the Clarke family Back to School picnic this Friday, Sept 16 th from 5:30 - 7 PM. Families are invited to bring chairs, blankets and order pizza (link to come) or bring their own picnic to the Clarke field (next to the tennis courts) for some end of summer fun! Wear your spirit wear, or if you don't have any, order some! Scavenger Hunt at 6 PM. Prizes will be given! Bring balls and games and hang out with your friends and family. There will be access to a bathroom and bring some money for Mo's Ice Cream. Students, make sure you have a supervising adult with you. We can't wait to see you!

Please remember to bring your own water bottles. Thank you!

Earlier Event: September 14
Picture Day
Later Event: October 12
October PTO Meeting