Dear 8th Grade Parents and Caregivers,
Even though the school year has just started, we are already planning for the 8 th grade field trip to
Washington D.C. (date TBD in the spring)! The focus now is fundraising to help defray the cost of the
trip and to ensure it is accessible to all 8th graders who wish to participate.
For this year’s fundraiser, the students will sell chocolate bars. Our fundraising goal is $8k, with an
aspirational goal of $10k. We are asking for every student to participate, as this activity helps
students contribute to their collective goal of supporting their trip. We also really need your help to
make this a success – please consider volunteering for a lunch shift or two to distribute chocolate and
collect money from students.
Here are the details:
October 2nd: Assembly for 8th graders explaining the fundraiser, including student prizes for every box
October 6th: Fundraiser begins! Starting today, 8 th graders can pick up their first box of chocolate (60 bars @ $1/bar) during lunch. They will need to have a signed permission slip each time they pick up a box.They will need to have a signed permission slip each time they pick up a box.
The permission slip can be found HERE or picked up at the chocolate check-out table.
Everyday at lunch: Students can pick up new boxes and/or drop off sales money at parent-staffed tables
outside of the cafeteria. Please volunteer for a shift or two here: SIGN-UP . (Don’t worry, there will be
someone at every shift who knows exactly what to do).
Oct. 27th: Last day that chocolate will be distributed. (Collection of sales money will continue at
lunchtime for an additional week).
Other details:
Students will receive one full box at a time, and once received, cannot return partial boxes.
No selling at school! Students should store boxes in their lockers during the school day and take them home.
Prizes and raffles for participation and other accomplishments!
Any questions? Please contact volunteer parent lead: