A message from Dane:
On Tuesday, September 26, 2023, students will bring home a schedule for you to follow during the event. If your child is absent on the day they were supposed to bring home the schedule, you may pick up a copy from the main office when you arrive that evening. We will have extra copies available.
During the evening, you will be following a typical “Day 1” schedule for your child, visiting some of the rooms and teachers they would see on that day. Clarke teachers who teach multiple grade levels will be in attendance for one of the two evenings, but not for both. As a result, we have a few staffing conflicts that may or may not affect your schedule. In some cases, a department representative will lead the class. In other cases, an “OPEN” block will appear, allowing you to visit an alternate class or area of the school.
As a reminder, Back to School Night is an event intended for parents and caregivers only. In addition, the evening is an opportunity for you to visit your child’s classrooms, meet the teachers and get information about expectations and curriculum for the year. You also may have a chance to meet some of the specialists who also work with your children.
Lastly, parking at Clarke during Back to School Night is a challenge; if possible, we ask that you walk or carpool to the event. Thank you for your understanding!