Clarke Walk 2020.pdf.png

Clarke’s Student Government is raising money for the Dana-Farber Center for Pediatric Cancer Therapeutics through the Quinn Amsler Fund. 

The 3rd Annual Clarke Walk For The Cure that was scheduled for Saturday, May 2nd, 2020 has been cancelled but we would love if you could still show your support and donate! 

The donation link is below.

We challenge each of you to take a walk with your family, following the social distancing guidelines of course. Take a selfie or a picture of your walk to support the Clarke Walk For The Cure and we will highlight them on clarkepto.orgAny kind of artwork supporting the “Clarke Walk for the Cure” would be great too!  Submit your photos or artwork here.

We know that this is a difficult time for all, but try and get outside, enjoy the warmer weather and support a great cause. 

Donations are welcome whether you participate in your own walk or not.

Please support the cause by making a donation!